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Migration from Exchange API v1

First, you must generate private and public keys and switch the API authentication schema.

Migrating from v1 to v2 also involves updating your endpoint URLs to call the new v2 versions and modifying your applications to account for breaking changes introduced in v2.

Update the endpoint URL to Next, update your application to account for several breaking changes made in v2. Review the following sections to see how the API methods have changed.


The following sections cover not only the breaking changes that must be taken into account but also the new features that have been added. For detailed information about new features and parameters introduced in API v2, refer to the API reference.


  • The amount parameter has been renamed to amountFrom.
  • The result value now must be calculated as the difference between amountTo and networkFee.
  • Limits (max, maxFrom, maxTo, min, minFrom, minTo) have been added to the response. Note: Limits can be retrieved only if the amountFrom value is within the limits.


  • The amount parameter has been renamed to amountFrom.
  • The amountExpectedTo value must now be calculated as the difference between amountExpectedTo and networkFee.
  • The following parameters have been removed from the response:
    • apiExtraFee – can be retrieved using the getTransactions method.
    • changellyFee – can be retrieved using the getTransactions method (as exchangeFee).
    • amountTo – always 0 since there can be no actual payout for a new transaction.
  • The following parameters have been added to the response:
    • type
    • refundAddress
    • refundExtraId


  • The status parameter has been added to the request as an additional filter.
  • The dateFrom parameter in the request has been replaced by since.


  • The amount parameter has been renamed to amountFrom.
  • The amountExpectedTo value must now be calculated as the difference between amountExpectedTo and networkFee.
  • The following parameters have been removed from the response:
    • apiExtraFee – can be retrieved using the getTransactions method.
    • changellyFee – can be retrieved using the getTransactions method (as exchangeFee).
    • amountTo – always 0 since there can be no actual payout for a new transaction.
  • The following parameters have been added to the response:
    • type
    • refundAddress
    • refundExtraId

Methods deprecated in v2